Growing Grass in the Cracks

Finding new life in unexpected places…

April 14 OA “For Today” daily reading:

Reading quote:

“There is no ache more
Deadly than the striving
to be oneself.” – Yevgeniy Vinokurov


I want to be myself, but what is myself? It is being my own person, not the person for another, all the time smiling, joining in, going along and not wanting to at all. That is not being my own person.

Some days I do not know much about myself, but I am aware of my efforts to find out, to grow. Continue reading “Growing Grass in the Cracks”

Spring is here

“If you’ve never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom.”
— Audra Foveo

I was on a walk yesterday thinking about spring and how happy I am that winter is over. I love seeing the trees start to get their little leaf sprouts and the air just starts feeling lighter.

I’ve never been interested in writing about spring before. I’ve written 2 season blogs previously: Fall Feelings & Waiting for Spring. The Fall post mentions spring briefly but it’s not the complete focus. In the Waiting for Spring post, the focus is spring but that was written 2 years ago and the emphasis is more on standing strong in the grip of winter, hoping to make it to spring.

I’m in a much difference place and I’m writing from a lighter place in my life. This post is about the arrival of spring, the long awaited breakthrough from winter to spring. In nature and in me. Continue reading “Spring is here”